After Emancipation
Free.Location: LAT/LONG: 39.000000, -77.000000
Meet the park ranger near Picnic Grove #28. Group will meet on the multi-use trail/White Horse Trail where it picks up near Ridge Road.
Dates & Times
Type of Event
Guided walk will depart starting location at 10:00 AM. Walk should take about an hour and a half.
Meet with a park ranger and learn the stories of the formerly enslaved individuals who lived in what would become Rock Creek Park. Who are they? What did they accomplish after emancipation?
This talk will address enslavement, racism, social justice, and address the deferred stories of the park.
This guided walk will take visitors along park trails for a distance of 2-miles with some hills and rough terrain. Meet the park ranger on the multi-use trail near Picnic Grove #28 (near the intersection of Ridge Road NW and Broad Branch Road NW. Parking at Grove #28 is limited. Visitors may wish to park at Picnic Grove #2 (either side of the creek) or at Picnic Grove #1 across from Peirce Mill and walk to the meet-up spot.