Special Event


Adventure Hike: Centennial Heights

Keweenaw National Historical Park



Dates & Times


Saturday, June 22, 2019


2:00 PM


2 hours

Type of Event

Guided Tour


Centennial Heights was platted in 1900 and became a popular residential neighborhood where home ownership was attainable for many. Schools, stores, saloons, and clubs made for a vibrant community on a hillside just north of Calumet. Explore Centennial Heights and a few of the characters who have called it home.
Meet at the playground featuring a stone boat at the intersection of Jefferson & First Streets in Centennial Heights. You may take 6th Street north from M-203 in the Village of Calumet and continue ~1mi. to reach the meeting site.
This ~1.5 mile adventure hike takes place in a residential neighborhood on hilly, paved roads with gravel patches. Prepare to be outdoors and active for about an hour and a half; bring your own water. Sun and insect protection are recommended.

Reservation or Registration: Yes

Call 906-483-3016 or email lynette_webber@nps.gov to reserve your attendance. In order to minimize the tour's impact on resources and preserve visitor experience, a maximum of 30 people are allowed on this Adventure Hike.

Contact Information

Lynette Webber
Contact Us