Bright Lit Place Gallery Exhibit and Panelist Discussion
Free.Location: LAT/LONG: 25.395312, -80.583106
40001 State Road 9336, Homestead FL 33034
Dates & Times
Type of Event
On Saturday and Sunday from 9AM - 5PM, at the Ernest F. Coe Visitor Center, enjoy an exhibition of the photographer Patrick Farrell capturing profound images throughout the making of the podcast. On Saturday, 12PM - 1 PM there will be a panelist discussion with reporter Jenny Staletovich in the Ernest F. Coe Visitor Center Theater.
See WLRN’s Bright Lit Place podcast in a different light, photography by Patrick Farrell capturing profound images throughout the making of the podcast.
Join us as WLRN hosts for one weekend only, a pop-up gallery at the heart of it all, The Everglades. On Saturday, January 11, reporter Jenny Staletovich will moderate a panel discussion regarding the future of the everglades and where restoration stands now. Afterwards, a lite bite reception to continue the conversation!
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