Special Event


Reading, Writing, Drawing, and Acting on Climate Change with Moby-Dick

San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park




San Francisco Maritime Museum 900 Beach Street San Francisco, CA 94109

Dates & Times


Sunday, September 25, 2022


1:00 PM


1 hour and 30 minutes

Type of Event

Cultural/Craft Demonstration
Partner Program

Sun, September 25, 2022 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM PDT


In this one-hour interactive program about the lessons on global warming, ocean health, and climate refugees found in Moby-Dick, we examine a few essential scenes for a 21st-century environmentalist reading of the novel. You do not need to have read Moby-Dick beforehand, but if you have a copy of the novel, bring it. Dress for outside. Bring your journal and sketchbooks, because there are optional writing, drawing, and activist letter-writing activities to go alongside our discussion. Are we to all be Ishmaels? 

Richard J. King is visiting associate professor of maritime literature and history at the Sea Education Association in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. For more than twenty years he has been sailing and teaching aboard tall ships in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. He writes and illustrates a column on marine animals for Sea History magazine, edits the “Searchable Sea Literature” website, and was the founding series editor of Seafaring America. He is the author of the book "Ahab's Rolling Sea: A Natural History of "Moby-Dick”

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Gina Bardi
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