Special Event


Connections and Conversations - A Tale of Two Navy Yards: Washington D.C. and Boston

Boston National Historical Park



Dates & Times


Wednesday, February 24, 2021


7:00 PM


1 hour

Type of Event


1 hour


Throughout U.S. history, war has created new opportunities, even as it has constrained them. Nowhere has this been more true than at Navy Yards. But who benefited from the opportunities? Who imposed the constraints and who battled against them? In Civil War-era Washington D.C., enslaved people, formerly enslaved people, lawmakers, sailors, and soldiers all jostled against each other as the nation prepared for war. Boston during World War II was a very different time and place. But the Navy Yard at Charlestown was also the site of new but constrained opportunities for civilian female workers. Come to this program to think about how their experiences echoed those of Civil War Washingtonians, and how they differed. . . . and how both shaped our world today.
Our presenters will be: Chandra Manning, Professor, Georgetown Department of History and Polly Kienle, National Parks of Boston
Access to this program is available via the following link: https://npsboston.webex.com/npsboston/j.php?MTID=m78cad1ad038cd86a06c9a3632f9d2647
Twice per month the National Parks of Boston presents Connections and Conversations. It is an opportunity to explore local history as it relates to Boston and more distant historic sites. Compare stories across time, distance and perspective. Exchange ideas and ask questions of park rangers and public historians.
Each program will include two presentations, followed by ample time for questions and answers with both presenters. Connections and Conversations will take place the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM (Eastern Time) live via WebEx.

Reservation or Registration: No