Volunteer Training Day
Free.Location: LAT/LONG: 37.119880, -93.420490
Visitor Center
Dates & Times
On Saturday, March 7, Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield is hosting a Volunteer Training Day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The training will address some of the specific volunteer needs for the 2020 season. Anyone interested in volunteering at the battlefield is encouraged to attend. Volunteers should be at least sixteen years of age to participate in activities. Reservations are not required for the meeting. The meeting will be held inside the Headquarters Building. Attendees should plan on bringing their own lunch. Light refreshments will be provided.
According to Acting Superintendent Gary Sullivan, “The programs presented at the park are strongly supported by volunteers. Come and be a part of preserving our nation’s rich cultural history.”
There is an immediate need for volunteers to assist during the busy spring school season (April/May) with providing educational tours of the historic Ray House as well short programs on Civil War medicine and other Civil War topics. These and other volunteer opportunities for FY 2020 will be discussed in further detail during the training.