15th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Cost details for this event are TBDLocation: LAT/LONG: 45.666306, -111.047680
Strand Union Building at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana
Dates & Times
Type of Event
Yellowstone's 150th birthday is a special occasion to reflect on the science and conservation accomplishments that have brought us to the present day, as well as a time to envision solutions for some of the grand challenges facing Greater Yellowstone's future.
The 15th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) is an opportunity to gather, share discoveries and ideas, find common ground, and examine different ways of understanding natural and cultural resources. Our goal is that this conference will emerge as the preeminent forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia, state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and tribal communities to discuss scientific findings and management needs associated with the Greater Yellowstone region.
The GYE Biennial Scientific Conference series, initiated in 1991, encourages awareness and application of wide-ranging, high-caliber scientific work on the region's natural and cultural resources. These conferences, with the active involvement of professional societies and other institutions, provide a much-needed forum for knowledge-sharing among hundreds of researchers, park managers, and the public. They attract world-class speakers and are interdisciplinary by design.
The conference will take place May 15-18, 2022, and will be hosted in the Strand Union Building at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. Registration costs will be determined after sponsorships are secured but will not exceed $300.00/person. Registration will begin in March 2022 and will cover all agenda events and breaks and some meals (breakfast, lunch, opening reception, and plated dinner).
To view more information about this conference, visit: https://www.gyescienceconference.org/
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