4th Sat Speaker's Series: "Ecometrics: Using Traits Within Fossil Communities to Infer Paleoenvironment"
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Are you interested in prehistoric environments? Come listen to Charles Bruce speak about his studies of fossil communities and how traits gleaned from them build a picture of past environments.
Charles Bruce is a PhD student at South Dakota State University studying mammal ecomorphology and paleoecology, and is particularly interested in studying carnivorans, such as badgers, weasels, and wolverines. He is from Texas, where he went to Texas A&M for his B.A. in geology and then attended East Tennesse State University for his M.S. in geosciences, paleontology concentration. Now, he is based out of Rapid City in the Black Hills, where he has previously worked as a paleontology intern at the Mammoth Site of Hot Springs and Badlands National Park during a gap year.