Special Event


Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Fire Island National Seashore



Location: LAT/LONG: 40.732380, -72.866960

Wilderness Visitor Center: Take William Floyd Parkway (Route 46) to Smith Point County Park for access to the Wilderness Visitor Center, a small hexagonal building on the right as you are headed south. Parking is available in the Smith Point parking lot just to the east/on the left.

Dates & Times


Sunday, January 31, 2021


2:30 PM


1 hour

Type of Event

Cultural/Craft Demonstration


Join a park ranger for a walk on the winter beach, and be inspired to create art. Collect shells, driftwood, stones and sand to take home and create a wilderness beach collage or wind chimes, or any form of art you like. Register in advance for this event as space is limited to ensure safe social distancing. Participants will be asked to follow CDC and local public health guidelines for COVID-19. We ask the public to be our partner in recreating responsibly, by adopting social distancing practices and by wearing a face covering when social distancing cannot be maintained.

Reservation or Registration: Yes

To register email FIIS_Information@nps.gov or phone 631-281-3010 (weekends), 631-687-4773 (weekdays).