The Illustrated Journal: If you draw it, you will never forget it!
$50.00 (SNPA members get a 20% discount on registration)Location: LAT/LONG: 38.529553, -78.441134
Seminar will begin in Massanutten Room, lower level of the Big Meadows Lodge, mile 51.2 on Skyline Drive.
Dates & Times
Type of Event
Instructor: Phyllis Northup
Illustrating your field notes is a wonderful way to ensure that you will remember something that you have never seen. Not only will you have to look at it much more closely in order to draw it, buy you will also have the drawings to refer to later in addition to your writing. Writing can further enrich your experience by allowing you to use words to introspectively reflect on where you are, what you see, and how you feel. This seminar will encourage you to use both drawing and writing to enrich your experiences as you explore Shenandoah and other new places. It will help you to see in a whole new way, as well as develop some new drawing skills. You will find that developing your visual perceptions and learning to truly see can create a much deeper appreciation of the world around you.
Supplies and journal will be provided.
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