
Welcome Tyuonyi Overlook Trail Stop 1

a wide canyon with sparsely vegetated cliffs and remnants of Ancestral Pueblo dwellings
the view from the end of Tyuonyi Overlook Trail into Frijoles Canyon


Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Scenic View/Photo Spot

Welcome to the Tyuonyi (QU-weh-nee) Overlook Trail, which is partially a loop and partly an out-and-back, 2.2 miles roundtrip. You are approximately 0.25 miles down this trail that passes through the Piñon-Juniper Woodland and provides excellent views of Frijoles Canyon, the Pueblo Loop Trail, and the park visitor center. In summer, watch for thunderstorms that can develop very quickly over the mountains posing a threat to unwary hikers.

From 1150 – 1550 CE the Ancestral Pueblo people called this area home doing much of their farming here on the dry mesas using creative water saving techniques to survive in this arid landscape. The area and the sites you will see still hold deep spiritual and cultural connections to today’s Pueblo peoples. Please treat these sites with the respect they deserve.


Bandelier National Monument

Last updated: June 12, 2022