Last updated: July 29, 2021
The Truce
Quick Facts
In the Southern Section of the park, off of the side of Cheatham Hill Dr.
The site of a notable truce during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
National Battlefield Park
3 listed
Information, Parking - Auto, Wheelchair Accessible
While war is full of horror and chaos, it is not without it's rare and seemingly random acts of grace. One notable example happened near this spot during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. W.T. Barnes of the 1st Arkansas describes the scene: " .. our cannon were placed for execution. Their redoubts so low, the cannon's mouth nearly on the ground, and at every discharge a blaze of fire sprang out among the dry leaves, which were soon ablaze and eating their way toward the gully, which was full of a mass of human beings, squirming around... Ah, but little can a peaceful citizen imagine the horror of war...At this stage our colonel, Will H. Martin, sang out, "'Boys, this is butchery,"' and, mounting our head logs, with a white hankerchief, he sang out to the Yanks as well as to our own men, "'Cease firing and help get out those men."' Col. Martin's actions would save the lives of many Union soldiers in that incident. In a show of respect for this act of humanity, one of the Union officers would present Col. Martin with a pair of pearl-handled Colt revolvers.