Last updated: May 11, 2022
The Sunken Forest Tour: Sassafras

Sassafras is among the three most common species of tree here in the Sunken Forest. It is easily identified by its three distinct leaves. Look closely and you’ll notice single-lobed leaves, double-lobed leaves which look similar to mittens, and triple-lobed leaves which look a bit like a dinosaur's foot. You may also notice the deep criss-crossing and cinnamon colored bark of mature trees.
Sassafras is an exceedingly useful plant to both wildlife and people. While it is no longer very commonly used, having been linked to carcinogenic properties, everything from its roots to it’s leaves were once traditionally been used for medicinal, culinary, and aromatic purposes. It’s many uses made it an extremely valuable plant to the economy of colonial America and the early United States.
Perhaps most popularly sassafras was once commonly used in the production of root beers and teas. Its dried and ground-up leaves are also an important ingredient in traditional Louisiana-based creole cooking. Oil extracted from its leaves and bark were used in many products for its aroma. Today it’s scent is replicated in many artificial aromatics. You’re probably familiar with the smell of sassafras, whether you know it or not.