
The Mount Washington Tavern

Two story brick building with a sign in fornt
The Mount Washington Tavern

NPS / Victoria Stauffenberg

Quick Facts
Main unit of Fort Necessity National Battlefield
Stagecoach stop on the National Road
National Register of Historic Places

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Wheelchair Accessible

The Mount Washington Tavern is open seasonally May 1st to October 31st daily from 10 AM to 4 PM. A self guided tour will take you through the furnished rooms and interpretive signs tell the story of this historic tavern.

Built in the 1830s along the National Road the tavern served as a stopping place for the Good Intent stagecoaches and their travelers.   A wide hall greeted the guests. Men could get a drink and socialize in the tavern’s barroom. Women and children relaxed in the parlor, where the gentlemen were welcome to join them. All the travelers waited for the dinner bell before entering the dining room. They eat together at one big long table with the food being placed on platters in the center of the table. The kitchen was not open to the travelers but would have been busy with cooks and other employees who worked to keep the tavern going.

The second floor had bedrooms for overnight guests. The room were set up dormitory style with men in one room and women in another.

New technology put the tavern out of business. Railroads had made it across the Allegheny Mountains, putting the stagecoaches out the business. The Mount Washington Tavern was sold as a private residence in 1856.

Follow this link for more information on the National Road.

Fort Necessity National Battlefield

Last updated: August 13, 2024