Last updated: January 6, 2025
The Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial

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The Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial honors the first Japanese Americans to be excluded, forcibly removed from their community, and incarcerated during World War II.
On February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This order authorized the establishment of military areas from which people of Japanese ancestry may be excluded. On March 30, 1942, 227 Japanese Americans living on Bainbridge Island were gathered at the Eagledale Ferry Dock and forcibly removed from the Island. The Bainbridge Islanders were first incarcerated in Manzanar Relocation Center in California and later transferred toMinidoka Relocation Center in Idaho. Once the exclusion orders were lifted upon the end of WWII, over half of the Bainbridge Island Japanese Americans returned to the island. Many from the Bainbridge Island community welcomed back their neighbors upon their return At the memorial, visitors can reflect and learn about this part of American history and learn the lessons of "Nidoto Nai Yoni” (Let It Not Happen Again). The Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial is an outdoor exhibit commemorating the forced removalJapanese Americans from Bainbridge Island in the state of Washington. It is a unit of the Minidoka National Historic Site in Idaho. The memorial wall located near the historic Eagledale ferry dock landing site, where the first of more than 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry —two-thirds of whom were American citizens—were evicted from their West Coast homes and placed in incarceration centers during World War II. Ultimately over 125,000 people were incarcerated without due process.
The memorial is a reminder—“Nidoto Nai Yoni” (Let it Not Happen Again)—of what happened on March 30, 1942. Built of old-growth red cedar, granite and basalt, the wall honors the names of all 276 Japanese and Japanese Americans who were exiled from Bainbridge Island by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 and Civilian Exclusion Order No. 1.