
Sykes Mountain Trail

Sykes Mountain Trail
Horseshoe Bend looking north from Sykes Mountain

Photo by Jonathan Welde

Quick Facts
Lovell, Wyoming

Parking - Auto, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Trailhead

Sykes Mountain Trail: Hard, 4.6 Miles Round Trip with 1,380 feet elevation gain

Sykes Mountain Trail is a rugged hike up a desert mountain that directs the hardy hiker to overlooks of Bighorn Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. This is a favorite hike for many but is less enjoyable during hot summer days. The trail begins at the Horseshoe Bend access road sign. You may park in the Ranger Station parking area across the road. Follow the trail markers around the hill and into the first drainage until you see a small game trail. At the rockslide, cross to the east side of the drainage. Here the game trail disappears. Continue to follow the trail markers, making your way upward. At the top, a deep canyon forces you to go east. Follow the ridge to where it begins to bend into a horseshoe. From here follow the trail markers through the shallow drainage to the overlook.

There are two hills southwest of the overlook. The taller of the two is called Crooked Creek Summit. For a longer hike cross the juniper flats and proceed to the summit. From here you can see vistas of surrounding landscapes and the mountains that enclose the Bighorn Basin.

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Last updated: March 16, 2021