
Sunrise Nature Trail Stop 4

A dirt trail shows a view of a glaciated mountain with clumps of trees in the meadows.
Views of Mount Rainier can be seen along the Sunrise Nature Trail.

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Sunrise Nature Trail begins just to the east of the bathrooms at Sunrise.

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

The whitebark pine is one of the most hardy subalpine trees. Mature cones on these trees do not fall from the tree, and the cone scales do not open far enough for the large seeds to fall out. So, how do these pines disperse their seeds? They depend on Clark’s nutcrackers and other members of the crow, xúxux (Yakama tribal word for crow) family. These birds use their strong beaks to pry the seeds from the cones. They cache the seeds, one at a time, by poking them about an inch deep in the soil. New pine seedlings can then sprout from any seeds the nutcrackers fail to eat. Watch for more clumps of these hardy pines as you continue up the trail.

Mount Rainier National Park

Last updated: July 27, 2022