
Sunrise Nature Trail Stop 12

On the side of the trail trees with twisted stems grow.
Twisted trees are known as “krummholz,” a German word meaning “crooked wood.”

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Sunrise Nature Trail begins just to the east of the bathrooms at Sunrise.

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

Timberline is a tough place to live. Cold, drying winds carrying ice kill and cut away young shoots from the exposed side of the trees. Growth on the downwind side continues, producing the appearance of one-sided trees. Shoots that attempt to grow above the protective snowpack are usually killed, “pruning” the trees into the rounded shapes. The weight of the snow also bends and shapes the trees (pictured), these twisted trees are known as “krummholz,” a German word meaning “crooked wood.” Judging from the shape and size of these trees, how deep do you think the snow gets along this ridge in winter?

Mount Rainier National Park

Last updated: July 27, 2022