
Stop 5: The Mexican Gray Wolf

A Mexican wolf trots across a scrubby landscape
The endangered Mexican wolf

USFWS/Aislinn Maestas

Valles Caldera and the Jemez Mountains were once home to the Mexican wolf or “lobo.” Subject to a federal government eradication campaign, rancher John Davenport shot the last wolf on what was then the Baca Ranch in 1932. They were extinct in the wild by 1970. After a successful reintroduction in 1998, Valles Caldera saw a brief return of the Mexican wolf in December 2023. A keystone species in the ecosystem, the wolf is an important animal for the Hemish people, respected by many Hemish societies for its hunting ability and ties to spirituality.

Valles Caldera National Preserve

Last updated: August 22, 2024