
Sound of Silence Trail Stop 3

A singular large leafy tree with rough bark shading over a dried up streambed.
The lone cottonwood on the trail provides welcome relief from the sun.

NPS Photo/Dan Johnson

Quick Facts

Scenic View/Photo Spot

You might expect a large Fremont Cottonwood tree like this to grow near a more obvious source of water. What does its presence here tell us? The surrounding rocks funnel seasonal rainwater to its thirsty roots. This tree, with leaves that sing and whisper in the breeze, provides habitat for birds and insects, and shade for all. Rabbits, deer, and elk feed on its shoots and stems. Insects live on it that are food for birds. Hawks and bats may use cottonwoods as sites to nest or roost. Even in death, tree cavities are refuges for many species of animals. Ahead you will find other refuges used by animals to escape the mid-day sun.

Dinosaur National Monument

Last updated: July 30, 2022