Last updated: September 19, 2023
Ponderosa Pine Life Zone wayside
Quick Facts
Along the Rim Trail
1 listed
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
Here at Bryce Canyon, elevation ranges from 9,100 feet (2,778 m) at Rainbow Point to 6,600 feet (2012 m) in the canyon bottoms. This creates three distinctive climatic or life zones—Mixed Conifer (highest elevation), Ponderosa Pine (mid-elevation), and Pinyon/Juniper (lowest elevation.) More than a thousand plant species inhabit the park, while many animal species, including 100 species of birds, move throughout these zones.
Ponderosa pine forests define this community. These stately evergreens in front of you can grow 200 feet tall (61 m) and often live up to 500 years. Ponderosa pines have adapted to depend upon low-intensity fires, typically started by lightning. Fire maintains an open forest floor, clearing dense growth, so that grasses, wildflowers, and new trees can flourish. Fire's rejuvenating effect on this ecosystem attracts and supports diverse wildlife.
Ponderosa pine forests define this community. These stately evergreens in front of you can grow 200 feet tall (61 m) and often live up to 500 years. Ponderosa pines have adapted to depend upon low-intensity fires, typically started by lightning. Fire maintains an open forest floor, clearing dense growth, so that grasses, wildflowers, and new trees can flourish. Fire's rejuvenating effect on this ecosystem attracts and supports diverse wildlife.