
Parade Grounds

Black and white historic image of men with rifles walking on a grassy field with a church behind.
The former Calumet parade grounds.

Calumet Jr HS ROTC Photo

Quick Facts
Calumet, MI
Contributing Structure to the Calumet National Historic Landmark District

Cellular Signal

For many years, a grassy area along Calumet Ave between Depot Street and Red Jacket Road served as a parade ground. For generations, soldiers of the Calumet Light Guard, National Guard, and ROTC drilled here. Festivals were held on the grounds, and troops camped here during a major labor strike in 1913-14. Three of the buildings that stood on the edge of the parade ground (an armory, a church, and painting shop) are gone. Part of the parade ground is now occupied by new construction. 

Keweenaw National Historical Park

Last updated: April 5, 2024