
Northwest Bastion

Fog encloses a wall of the fort. A sentry box can be seen popping out from the top of it.
This is the view enemy snipers attacking the fort would have had in 1779.

Bastions are the diamond-shaped corners of a fort. Each of the bastions working together creates a crossfire pattern of defense with muskets and cannons. Part way through the 1777 siege, the British discovered the powder magazine's location in the bombproof under this bastion, after which they dug their trenches toward this spot. Though unsuccessful, they managed to get within 150 yards of the fort before abandoning the siege. Behind St. Peter's Church marks the site of their trenches. 

From the Orderly Book of the 3rd NY Regiment:

Garrison Orders. Fort Schuyler August 1st: 1777
Parole Massachusets C Sign Jones-
A Picquet Guard to mount this Evening Consisting of 1 Capt: 3 Sub: 4 Sergents 1 Drummer & 80 privates who are in Case of an Alarm by the Fring of a Gun to turn out and Man the Bastions 1 Commissioned Officer 1 Sergent 1 Corporal and 20 privates on each Bastion And if the Officer Commanding- the Picquet should think the alarm of Sufficent Importance he is immediately to Order the Drum to beat the Alarm upon which the Garrison is to turn out immediately and to repair to the Alarm Posts...Capt. Benshouten and Tiebout to man the N. W. Bastion Captains DeWitt Swartwout and Bleeker to man the N. E. Bastion Capt. Greggs Company to repair on the Parade till futher Orders.

Fort Stanwix National Monument

Last updated: May 4, 2022