
East Barracks Officer's Quarters

On a table: a candle, papers, and ink. A man\'s hands hold a feather quill.
The rooms inside the fort hold many interesting objects and stories.

Officer's Quarters
The remaining three rooms in the North Casemate were officer’s rooms during the American Revolution. Because of the size of the rooms and the number of officers with the regiments, potentially 2-3 men would share each of the spaces. Much like today, the average age of a junior officer would be 21 years old. The biggest difference is that many of these leaders had no leadership training prior to their service – commissions came from education, social status, and wealth. 

Go                                    Fort Schuyler 28th November 1779
The Commanding officers of Compys Whill Prepair their Muster Rols by the first of Dicember for the month of September October & November 1779...

Fort Stanwix National Monument

Last updated: May 11, 2022