Last updated: June 4, 2022
Native Plants Tsankawi Guided Tour Stop 4
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Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Scenic View/Photo Spot
At the trail’s fork follow the trail to the left. Nearby you may notice some fascinating native plants including Apache Plume (Fullugia paradoxa), Antelope Sage (Eriogonum jamesii), and Scorpionweed (Phacelia corrugate). Apache Plume has white rose-like flowers and beautiful reddish feathery seed balls. The limbs tend to grow straight which made them excellent for making bows and arrows. Antelope Sage, with its grayish basal leaves and creamy white flower clusters, is a type of buckwheat. Scorpionweed is named for its purple flowers that uncurl like a scorpion’s tail as it blooms.