
Moth Tour - Small but Mighty

Two small white moths on white sand
Two adult Areniscythris whitesands moths in copula on June 13, 2012 near the boardwalk.

Eric Metzler

Quick Facts

Audio Description, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Scenic View/Photo Spot, Wheelchair Accessible

Although moths can be very small, their role in the environment is mighty. They are essential for plant pollination, pest control, and predator/prey relationships.  Monitoring their ranges and numbers can provide vital clues for changes taking place in our surroundings, such as effects of new farming practices, air pollution, and climate change. With discoveries of unique moth species like A. whitesands, we are just scratching the surface of future research opportunities at White Sands National Park.

Click here to listen to the Mothapalooza Podcast, an interview moth expert Eric Metzler on his incredible discoveries and what makes moths so significant.

Last updated: July 21, 2022