
Mori Point and Climate Change

Colored aerial photograph of Mori Point. Bottom right is an oval inset photo of a Garter Snake
Mori Point and a San Francisco garter snake

Kirke Wrench

Mori Point provides important habitat for the threatened red-legged frogs and the rarest snake in North America – the San Francisco garter snake.

The fate of this beautiful snake is tied to its primary food source, the red-legged frog. To preserve these species, artificial ponds were created at Mori Point to increase habitat for the frogs and snakes. Like Rodeo Lagoon, rising sea levels may allow salt water to intrude into these ponds and harm the rare species. Rising temperatures may also promote invasive plant and animal species and lead to the demise of the frogs and snakes.

Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Last updated: January 21, 2021