Last updated: September 17, 2024
More Than Just Sand Wayside
More than Just Sand
Does this area look like a sand dune? Even though it may not seem like it, you are walking through a very old dune system!
Through a process called succession, this area has changed over time from an open, sandy dune to a unique forest ecosystem.
Over many years, shifting dunes created sheltered valleys where small plants could take root. Each generation of plants provided nutrients and stability to the sand. As larger trees began to grow, they provided shelter and conditions that were more favorable than the harsh open dunes. Before long, this area could support an entire forest!
Jack pines have serotinous cones, meaning they are opened by high heat. Wildfire opens the cones of many serotinous pines. For these jack pines, their cones are opened by hot air from the open dunes.
Watch for the delicate pipsissewa and other low-growing flowers along the trail.