
Long Pine Key Trail

Helmeted bikers follow a ranger down a dirt path. Tall slash pine trees line both sides
Visitors Bike through the pine rockland habitat on Long Pine Key Trail

NPS Photo

Quick Facts

Cellular Signal, Information, Information Kiosk/Bulletin Board, Parking - Auto, Parking - Bus/RV, Trailhead

Cutting across shrubby pineland forest, this wide, rocky trail winds from Long Pine Key Rd west over 7miles (11km) to Pine Glades Lake through the heart of the Everglades rarest ecosystem. Birds, bugs, and blossoms abound along palmetto lined corridors of South Florida slash pines. Aside from seasonal washout zones through waterlogged prairie, the trail is dominated by dry, exposed limestone dotted with shallow pools. At the trails end by main park road, waterfowl, fish, and reptiles frequent the shores of Pine Glades Lake.

Everglades National Park

Last updated: February 16, 2021