Last updated: May 3, 2022
LeCroy Trail
Labeled (4) on the Arrowhead Bike Trails map
1.8 miles/2.9 km (One-way)
Trail type
Hiking and biking
Trail Description
The LeCroy Trail is narrow, with a tread width of 20" to 24". Exploring from Point O toward Point L, swerve slowly down a hill, enjoy a few stretches of rolling and sweeping turns, and cross a challenging rock bridge over a small drainage. Be enchanted by a tunnel of rhododoendron on the connector between the LeCroy and Dalton Trails from Point K to Point J. Expect to encounter small rocky sections and tight turns. This trail's design has a nice flow, ideal for runners and mountain bikers.
To reach the trail
The LeCroy Trail junctions off of the Dalton Trail.