Last updated: October 20, 2021
B - Kōnane Papamū
Quick Facts
Ala Kahakai NHT
1 listed
Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits
Another remnant of ancient times, this kōnane playing surface, or papamū, can be seen on the makai (ocean) side of the trail in the gap between curbstones. Kōnane was, and still remains, a popular past time for Native Hawaiians. But, in ancient times, kōnane was more than just a past time and was used as a political tool and a way of settling disputes.
You can learn how to play kōnane in the “Cultural Demonstrations” section of this app under “Things To Do”. Test your wits on the large papamū located in the Royal Grounds.
As you continue to hike along the smooth pahoehoe lava coastline, be on the lookout for the many papamū that can be found along and near the trail.