
John Hopkins University

Black and white of road with grass circle and white stones on it with trees behind
John Hopkins University, Job #02376, Baltimore, MD

Olmsted Archives

Quick Facts
Baltimore, MD
Olmsted Designed Campus
When entrepreneur and philanthropist John Hopkins donated money for both a university and a hospital, he likely knew the medicinal benefits the hospital provide. Hopkins never knew the health benefits his University would provide to students, thanks to Olmsted Brothers.

In 1904, Olmsted Brothers were asked to design a myriad of plans for the University, which they worked on till 1917. The plans established two quadrangles for the campus, as well as grading around academic buildings.

In their 1904 report, Olmsted Brothers proposed dividing the University’s large land, keeping most for the campus, but others to be used as parkland. The University agreed with Olmsted Brothers, which is why you can find Wyman Park walking distance from campus.

Olmsted Brothers identified Wyman Park as one of the finest single passages of scenery so close to a major city they had ever seen. With Olmsted Brothers adding more green space on campus, as well as another retreat off campus, both the hospital and the university at John Hopkins provides good health and wellness.

Source: "Johns Hopkins University," The Cultural Landscape Foundation

For more information and primary resources, please visit:
Olmsted Research Guide Online
Olmsted Archives on Flickr
Olmsted Online 

Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site

Last updated: June 6, 2024