Last updated: May 18, 2023
Information Panel: Turning The Tide
The Confederate army had been fighting for time. Efforts to delay the enemy's advance bought that time in blood - essential hours that allowed Southern reinforcements to reach the battlefield. Many regiments marched up from defensive positions downstram. Others had just disembarked from trains at Manassas Junction. All moved rapidly to the front - many by following the growing sound of battle.
The arrival of Confederate reinforcements coincided with the Union advance to Henry Hill. The 33rd Virginia Infantry, deployed here behind the fence line, waited tensely under an enemy bombardment. Soon the Virginians spotted two Union cannon unlimbering on the knoll directly ahead. Yet surprisingly the two guns focused on the Rebel batteries and paid little heed to the Virginians.
The arrival of Confederate reinforcements coincided with the Union advance to Henry Hill. The 33rd Virginia Infantry, deployed here behind the fence line, waited tensely under an enemy bombardment. Soon the Virginians spotted two Union cannon unlimbering on the knoll directly ahead. Yet surprisingly the two guns focused on the Rebel batteries and paid little heed to the Virginians.