
Indian Run

A bridge over the Indian Run in The Great Meadows
A modern bridge over the channelized Indian Run

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
1 Washington Parkway, Farmington, PA 15437

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Trailhead, Wheelchair Accessible

"Indian Run" is the name for a channelized creek that drains through The Great Meadows into Great Meadows Run next to Fort Necessity. George Washington wished to use these creek beds as a defensive position to defend the original supply stockade of what would become Fort Necessity. Unfortunately on the day of The Battle of the Great Meadows on July 3rd, 1754 a steady rain would settle in, flooding the creek bed and turning The Great Meadows into a large quagmire.

Although the quagmire would fend off any frontal charges on Fort Necessity that day, it depleted the will of the soldiers under George Washington's command, helping to force the surrender of George Washington to Louis Coulon de Villiers of the French Marine.

Fort Necessity National Battlefield

Last updated: August 3, 2022