Last updated: January 23, 2022
Holly Petroglyph Panel
Quick Facts
Holly Unit
ancestral Puebloan petroglyph panel, solstice marker
1 listed
Scenic View/Photo Spot
We believe the ancestral Puebloans at Holly used this petroglyph panel to mark the summer solstice. Just below the canyon rim, two large boulders form a narrow opening. On the summer solstice, a beam of light enters the narrow opening and lights up the boulder face. The ancestral Puebloans observed this natural event and added their own marks - spiral and concentric circle petroglyphs on the boulder face. On the summer solstice, and the days before and after, the sun beam bisects the petroglyphs.
The unique stone towers and other buildings at Hovenweep are extremely fragile. To help preserve them, please remain on trail and do not enter or touch any structure.