Last updated: June 6, 2024
Hillside Cemetery

Olmsted Archives
Quick Facts
The Olmsted Firm’s involvement at Hillside Cemetery in Connecticut began in 1907 and spanned the next sixty years, with firm partners like James Frederick Dawson, Percival Gallagher, Edward Whiting, and Joseph Hudak all adding to the design. Gallagher performed the original assessment of the property, praising the natural scenic views provided from the wooded hill site, with good views of neighboring land.
Gallagher suggested that clearing and grading should be done with a view to preserving and protecting the land's memorable characteristics. Monuments were to be designed with tasteful details to avoid monotony and an excess of ornamentation. As for plantings, trees and shrubs would be spread out among the plots and monuments, with rock outcroppings reserved for scenic views.
Source: "Hillside Cemetery- CT," The Cultural Landscape Foundation
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Gallagher suggested that clearing and grading should be done with a view to preserving and protecting the land's memorable characteristics. Monuments were to be designed with tasteful details to avoid monotony and an excess of ornamentation. As for plantings, trees and shrubs would be spread out among the plots and monuments, with rock outcroppings reserved for scenic views.
Source: "Hillside Cemetery- CT," The Cultural Landscape Foundation
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Olmsted Research Guide Online
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