
Hayes's Camp

Trees surround a field clearing.
Hayes's and Kitching's Federal soldiers occupied part of the field and adjacent highway land.

NPS Photo

Quick Facts
Frederick County, Va.
Part of Cedar Creek Battlefield

In early October, troops of the 8th Corps under future president Col. Rutherford B. Hayes camped along this ridge and to the east, where Interstates 66 and 81 now meet. Others under Col. J. Howard Kitching arrived in camp on October 17. While the army often woke up early and scouted for the enemy, much of their time was spent lounging in camp and reading mail from home. 1864 was a presidential election year. Abraham Lincoln was running for reelection against George McClellan, who ran on a peace platform. Hayes was also running for a seat in Congress. On October 11, these fields buzzed with activity as Ohio soldiers came to cast their votes. The Civil War was the first time that soldiers in the field could cast absentee ballots. These soldiers’ votes and their victory at Cedar Creek just a week later helped strengthen Lincoln win reelection in November.

Cedar Creek & Belle Grove National Historical Park

Last updated: February 2, 2024