Last updated: June 6, 2024
Guilford Land Company

Olmsted Archives
Quick Facts
Baltimore, MD
Olmsted Designed Suburban Community
In 1911, the Roland Park Company purchased all the land belonging to the Guilford Park Company in the hopes to develop a suburban neighborhood just north of what was then the edge of Baltimore. 210-acres of rolling hills and oak forest were shown to Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., who would direct the planning and design of this new residential community.
It was determined, and Olmsted Jr. agreed, that Guilford would be a garden suburb of the highest quality. When designing new communities, Olmsted Jr. placed great importance on “the separateness and internal integrity that would promote tranquility and give rise to the development of a sense of ‘shared community’ among their residents.”
With the first lots being sold in 1913, Olmsted Jr. successfully introduced private parks to the area; little parcels of land in the center of Guilford blocks that elicit the idea of natural lands.
Source: "Guilford Historic District," The Cultural Landscape Foundation
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It was determined, and Olmsted Jr. agreed, that Guilford would be a garden suburb of the highest quality. When designing new communities, Olmsted Jr. placed great importance on “the separateness and internal integrity that would promote tranquility and give rise to the development of a sense of ‘shared community’ among their residents.”
With the first lots being sold in 1913, Olmsted Jr. successfully introduced private parks to the area; little parcels of land in the center of Guilford blocks that elicit the idea of natural lands.
Source: "Guilford Historic District," The Cultural Landscape Foundation
For more information and primary resources, please visit:
Olmsted Research Guide Online
Olmsted Archives on Flickr
Olmsted Online