
ESCAPE to Colorado National Monument Stop 5

View of a rock-face that shows the stratigraphy of soils.
Scenic stop on the Alcove Nature Trail


Quick Facts
Colorado National Monument

Welcome to the fifth stop along the ESCAPE to Colorado National Monument experience. The purpose of this activity is to provide time and space for a walking meditation and reflection in nature to absorb what you have learned. Like all the activities in this ESCAPE experience, there are options to do this activity solo or as a group. Once the activity is complete, you can use the four code words that you have collected so far, to answer the final clue. 

Mindfulness Activity

It is time once more to take out your timer. As a group or as an individual, it is time to embrace silence and reflect on your experience today. Take a walk or choose a location to stand or sit comfortably. If you are in a group, try not to go in the same direction, but stay within sight of adults in the group. Set the timer for five or more minutes. While on the walk or in your comfortable position reflect on the following thoughts: What unique strength helped you complete the activities today? How did you shine during these activities? (these strengths could be something like good listener, good storyteller, empathetic, sensitive, good at making other smile or laugh, good at problem solving etc.)

Once the timer goes off, it is time to write down your strength. With a pen/pencil or paper write down the unique strength you thought of while walking in nature. If you do not have something to write with, just make a mental note of your strength. You do not need to share your strength out loud. Save this paper in a special place. Maybe you have the perfect spot in your locker or in your wallet.

The Fifth Code Word

You will use letters from the four codes collected so far to fill in the blank.  

CLUE: When John Otto visited this area, he reflected on his visit by saying, “I came here last year and found these canyons, and they feel like the [BLANK] of the world to me.” 


  1. use the last letter from the first code 
  2. use the last letter from the second code
  3. use the last letter from third code
  4. use the fourth and fifth letter from the fourth code (Hint: these are the same whether you did the less or more difficult activity) 

Next: Unscramble the five letters to fill in the missing five-letter word from the John Otto quote.

Write down the word and save it for later. Consider designating a “code keeper” in the group to remember or keep track of the code-words  

Now that you have your word, move to “ESCAPE to Colorado National Monument Final Stop” to check your answers and ESCAPE to Colorado National Monument.

Want more?

If you completed this activity with a class, consider making a “tree of our strengths.” Print or draw a large tree to hang in the classroom or at home. Use sticky note paper or tape to attach the individual strengths to the tree to resemble leaves. Your tree reflects the unique strengths that are present in your group. This is a special view of who you are and what you can accomplish as a group and as individuals.  


Colorado National Monument

Last updated: May 10, 2021