
Double Envelopment

In the middle a tree filled with woodpecker holes with a way side on its right.
Double Envelopment way side for battlefield tour stop 12

NPS Photo / Mike Puckett

On this field, the Continentals blunted the British advance, then charged with bayonets flashing. Cavalry hit the left and right of the 71st. The militia reformed and surged against the right and left. British troops found themselves overwhelmed and surrounded. Morgan had executed a Double Envelopment. In less than an hour, the crucial Battle of Cowpens had been decided.

The classic use of the military tactic of "double envelopment" took place at the Battle of Cannae (in southern Italy) in 216 B.C. There, soldiers under the command of Hannibal surrounded and crushed a much larger, superior Roman army.

Cowpens National Battlefield

Last updated: June 26, 2022