Last updated: May 12, 2021
Denver, Colorado
Sandburg took a Colorado Midland train to head back east to Denver. This was the first time Sandburg "rode the bumpers" (the couplers between train cars) late at night. He was so exhausted that he fell asleep while standing on the bumpers and later considered himself very lucky he didn't fall to his death that night.
In Denver, Sandburg found work in the Windsor, a high-class hotel, washing dishes.
He writes:
I saw Pikes Peak so I could say I saw it... I washed dishes for two weeks, collected a dollar and fifty cents a week, a cubbyhole for a room and meals as good as were served to the silk-hat guests. Then came the question whether I should head for the West coast or east to Galesburg. I admitted I was a little homesick for the faces and streets of Galesburg.
After this stint in Denver, Sandburg headed back to his hometown.
Denver, Colorado
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