
Dagger Flat #8

A plant with hundreds of long, thin leaves with serrated edges growing from a central location.
Notice the serrated edges on the leaves

NPS/C. Negele

Quick Facts
Dagger Flat Road

Scenic View/Photo Spot

Sotol (Dasylirion leiophyllum) - You are now in the foothills of the Deadhorse Mountains. Although you have climbed only about 400 feet from the beginning of the road, the surrounding plant community now includes sotol. This plant prefers mid-elevations where there is slightly more rainfall. Sotol is found in a distinct band of vegetation known as the sotol grasslands that surrounds the park's higher mountains. The first Americans baked the "heart" of the sotol for food. Today you would be more likely to find these baked hearts fermented and distilled into a tequila-like liquor, also called sotol.The ribbon-like leaves of the sotol have distinctive curved teeth on the margin.

Big Bend National Park

Last updated: April 2, 2021