
Dagger Flat #3

A bushy plant with tiny, waxy leaves is covered in small yellow blossoms.
After rain, the desert air smells like this plant


Quick Facts
Dagger Flat Road

Scenic View/Photo Spot

Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) - Creosotebush is one of the most successful desert plants.To take advantage of even the scantest rainfall, it has a very shallow root system that radiates outward like the spokes of a wheel. Because a plant loses most of its water through its leaves, creosotebush has tiny leaves covered by a protective varnish to conserve moisture. The clusters of foliage hide species of grasshoppers, crickets, and a praying mantis that are found only in the "micro habitat" of this plant. The shade produced by the creosotebush serves as a habitat for other plants to grow, protecting them from the sun. But these plants have to be hardy because the roots of the creosotebush also produce a toxin that deters the growth of these competing plants.

Big Bend National Park

Last updated: August 14, 2024