Last updated: October 1, 2022
Crown Point State Historic Site

Accessible Rooms, Accessible Sites, Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Information, Information - Ranger/Staff Member Present, Pets Allowed, Picnic Table, Restroom, Theater/Auditorium, Trailhead
Crown Point State Historic Site is dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the ruins of two fortifications from the colonial wars between the British and French. Long before the American Revolution these colonial powers both laid claim to the Champlain Valley and this strategically important peninsula known as Crown Point. The French built Fort St. Frederic here between 1734 and 1737 and used it as a base for raids on British settlements in New York and New England. As a result, the British mounted various expeditions to take control of Crown Point, and in 1759 they were finally successful. They immediately began construction of new fortifications that they called "His Majesty's Fort of Crown Point". Enclosing over seven acres this was one of the largest built by the British in North America.
In 1775, at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, the American colonists captured the fort and secured sorely needed cannons and heavy ordnance. Crown Point was occupied by General John Burgoyne's army in 1777 after the American evacuation to Mount Independence and remained under British control until the end of the war. The ruins of Fort St. Frederic, "His Majesty's Fort of Crown Point," and surrounding lands were acquired by the State of New York in 1910.
Today, visitors can explore the preserved ruins of these forts and tour the museum which includes a multimedia orientation program, large scale models, and an exhibit of original artifacts recovered from the site by archaeologists. Additionally, the site offers access to the historic Crown Point Pier, the Champlain Memorial Lighthouse, the walking paths on either side of the newly constructed Lake Champlain Bridge, and fantastic views of Lake Champlain. Tours for school and adult groups, as well as outreach programs, are available by reservation.
Hours of Operation
Grounds are open from Sunrise to Sunset, Year-round, free of charge.
The museum will be open for the 2022 season from May 19th through October 29th, 10 am – 5 pm, Friday - Sunday & by appointment. Please call 518-597-3666
This year we are pleased to offer guided grounds tours on Saturdays and Sundays and holiday Mondays at 10:30am and 1:30pm. They will last approximately 45-60 minutes and tour the ruins of both forts. Tours are weather and COVID permitting.
Picnic Pavilion: May 16 - October 24.
Reservations can be made through Please contact the site with questions or special requests.
$5 Adults
$4 Seniors/Veterans
Children 12 and under free
$35 Non-Profit Buses
$75 Commercial Buses