
Bunker Hill - Massachusetts Gate

Granite staircase leading up to the Bunker Hill Monument.
Visitors can explore Monument Square by walking up the staircase or using the ramp at this Gate.

NPS Photo/Sullivan

Quick Facts
Southwestern entrance to Bunker Hill Grounds

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits

The Massachusetts Gate serves as the primary entrance for visitors who travel to Bunker Hill. The four entrances to the grounds of Bunker Hill are named after the three colonies that sent militia to the Battle of Bunker Hill (Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire), as well as the United States. The Massachusetts gate is the entrance to the south east, and is generally seen as the "main" entrance to the park because the Freedom Trail leads visitors to Bunker Hill via this gate. This entrance also provides an accessible ramp up the hill.

Boston National Historical Park

Last updated: June 14, 2021