
Brick Foundations

Brick foundation outlines facing towards the paved path leading to the fort.
The brick foundations on the left of the path representing the Quartermaster & Ordnance Storehouse.


Quick Facts
Baltimore, MD

Accessible Sites, Cellular Signal, Wheelchair Accessible

The path leading up to the Star Fort from the Fort McHenry visitor center passes by several sets of brick foundations. These foundations are representative of several historic buildings that would have been in those locations at the time of the 1814 Bombardment of Fort McHenry. When heading towards the fort from the visitor center, the foundations on the left of the path are the quartermaster & ordnance storehouse, the first set of fundations on the right are the ordnacne/commissary storehouse, and the set of brick foundations about 30 yeards further on the right represent the post hospital. Visitors can use their imaginations to rebuild one story brick buildings that served important purposes the daily funcitoning of the fort. 

Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine

Last updated: March 22, 2021