
Badin-Roque House

The only post-in-ground bousillage house in Louisiana sits on lower Cane River.
The only post-in-ground bousillage house in Louisiana sits on lower Cane River.

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Quick Facts

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Wheelchair Accessible

On lower Cane River, not far from St. Augustine’s Catholic church, sits the Badin-Rouge House.It is one of Louisiana's most architecturally significant structures with walls in-filled with bousiallge and its cypress posts sunk into the ground. Bousiallge is a mixture of animal hair, mud, and Spanish moss. This type of structure reflects authenticities of colonial Louisiana. Using building material  available in the area is referred to as “vernacular” architecture and  is common to Cane River.


Last updated: October 4, 2020