
Astro Theater

Corner theater building with large Moorish tower. Entrance located at corner of building.
Astro Theater (Riviera Theater), today it is the Rose Blumkin Performing Arts Center

David Calease, NPS

Quick Facts
2001 Farnam Street
Architecture; Social History
National Register of Historic Places; Omaha Local Landmark
Private Property Owner
Throughout its history the Astro Theater has been used for stage shows, movies, and even a miniature golf course. Constructed and opened in 1926 by Chicago architect John Eberson, the theater possesses a unique combination of Moorish and Classical styles and is recognized by being listed in the National Register of Historic Places and being designated as an  Omaha Local Landmark.

Eberson planned many motion picture palaces in the nation’s major cities with the Astro Theater as an example of a highly elegant entertainment facility. The building is a steel frame faced with diamond patterned glazed bricks. The ornate tower, facing Farnam Street, has balustrades, a cornice, and glazed terra-cotta coping tiles. The focal point of the tower is the copper dome that tops it directly while two semicircular balconies decorate its sides. Five Romanesque windows also adorn each side of the front façade. Perhaps the most exceptional facets of the building are the free-standing columns that support griffons on the north and east sides. The Corinthian columns have shafts of Islamic ornamentation. The griffons, which stand on top of the columns are reminiscent of Greek Architecture.

Threatened with destruction in the 1980s, Rose Blumkin, founder of Nebraska Furniture Mart, purchased the Astro Theater and began restoration project with the goal of remaining consistent with the original intent of Eberson.  

In 2012 another restoration project began, calling on a team of conservators, architects, engineers, and scientists to handle the preservation of Omaha’s historic landmark. Named in her honor, the Rose Blumkin Performing Arts Theater is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and families through live theater and arts education.

Last updated: September 6, 2022