
Artesian Park

Artesian Park marker in foreground with white pergola in background
Artesian Park marker


Quick Facts
524 Twigg Street Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401
Texas Historical Commission. (Marker Number 213)

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Parking - Auto

In 1854, Henry Kinney, Corpus Christi’s founder donated the land where Artesian Park now sits. The park is also the site where in the winter of 1845, hundreds of tents sprang up along these flats on the Corpus Christi Bay as thousands of U.S. soldiers arrived in the region in response to a territory dispute with Mexico.

The troops remained here until March 1846, when they moved southward to claim the Rio Grande as the southern boundary of Texas.

Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park

Last updated: August 29, 2022