
Advanced Redoubt Tour Stop 3: The Dry Ditch

A grassy plain in between two brick walls of a fort leads to two closed off cannon embrasures.
Advanced Redoubt Dry Ditch

NPS Photo / Kiss

Quick Facts
Advanced Redoubt, FL
At the end of the dry ditch are two windows that have been sealed with red brick. These are embrasures for cannon called flank howitzers. Cannon size buckshot, called canister, fired down the ditch. Notice the loopholes (vertical windows in the wall) on either side. Infantry fired muskets through these loopholes while remaining protected by the wall. Anyone in the ditch would be caught in a deadly crowssfire of lead bullets while facing a hail of cannister from the howitzers. The brick-lined gutter is the cunette, for drainage.

Gulf Islands National Seashore

Last updated: August 8, 2022